Success Story 1

Online-Reporting solution for tracking data

The challenge

A leading listed car manufacturer required an in-house online analysis and reporting solution. The aim was to systematically evaluate market research data from regular world-wide tracking studies and to use the outcome to draw up meaningful reports.

The solution

In close collaboration with the client, GIM analytics developed a comprehensive online reporting solution for tracking data. It included numerous filtering and splitting options for detailed analysis of some 70 market research indicators surveyed every 6 months in around 60 countries and contained both a tabulation module and dashboard-like charting pages.

The underlying database was derived from a highly optimised database model developed especially for this project, which enabled complex analyses of raw data to be carried out in a fraction of a second. The reporting solution was rounded off by comprehensive export functions and a library of analysis templates which the user could enhance as and when necessary. With around 500 users world wide, the GIM analytics reporting solution has been deployed since 2015, during which time it has made a substantial contribution to efficient and precise management control.

Sucess story 2

Social Media Listening XXL for greater understanding of the target group

The challenge

A FMCG manufacturer wanted to understand how their target group interacted online. In other words they were keen to learn which topics on the net motivated their target, where they communicated, and what their consumer needs were. The client was also interested to discover which issues consumers dealt with online and which they were more likely to discuss offline. The findings were ultimately intended to drive the development of new products.

The solution

With the help of an international Social Media Listening project, we were able to lay the foundation for a new product that was then successfully placed in the market. In addition to Social Media Listening on various platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, forums and blogs, we also deployed Video Monitoring, Review Monitoring and Trend Monitoring.

To fill existing knowledge gaps, we combined the comprehensive online data analysis with a short quantitative survey. That way the client obtained valuable concrete insights into their target group and relevant topics.

Success story 3

Smart Driver Analysis for a complex mobility study

The challenge

A car manufacturer in the luxury segment carried out a large-scale app-based study on the mobility behaviour of young people. The aim was to understand which parameters prompted young people to find a transport situation agreeable overall. The dataset was very large and manifested complex inter-item correlations. This complicated the use of classic key driver analysis methods such as linear regression. 

The solution

The data scientists at GIM analytics approached the problem with a modified variant of so-called random forest regression which is known to be a particularly robust regression procedure—particularly when faced with heavily correlated items.

From ‘decision forests’, the experts at GIM analytics extracted the relative importance scores for all features in the data set relating to the dependent variable ‘overall satisfaction’. The results of these analyses and other hypothesis tests provided valuable insights into the preference structure of young transportation users.